Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ken was back, and what was he to bring along with him this time? Torrential rains??? Thunder and lightning??? NO, it was his friend Bob and a very strong easterly. This bloke has so much bad luck with the weather…… On his last trip he had a PB Mirror at 36lb and was quite aware of the potential of this lake. Neitherless to say due to the easterly, the going was very hard, but he did manage to land a new PB Common at 34lb.

The monotonous was interrupted by the arrival of Spanish National TV who had rang Craig as they wanted to film us whilst fishing with clients. A laugh was had by all as Ken and Craig were interviewed, but ´pensioner Bob ‘was only allowed to be filmed talking to his mate and setting up the unhooking mats. I bet his bottom lip is still wobbling now, to top it off the producer had asked him if he was a pensioner. He is 6 years younger than Ken who celebrated not only his 64 th birthday but his 40th wedding anniversary whilst over here.

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